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This a continuation / merge of other projects, hence the name.  Some of the codebase was adapted from Exarch and Dungeoñomicon but then rewritten from scratch.  I also cannibalised a few meshes.

It's a turn based roguelike where you play as a child lost in the woods.  There's a turn counter; when it reaches zero a demon spawns and chases you.  To escape the level you have to rescue a number of ghosts somewhere in it; finding them is your primary goal, followed by locating the opened portal and going through it before the demon kills you.

You'll have a bunch of items to help you along the way which grant passive and active abilities as well as various types of demon and level.

The creative director for this game is my six year old son - he's very demanding :D

I'm just going to drop images in here from time to time with a description for each without worrying about updating stuff or providing any type of development timeline or anything.  Click on images to see their description :)

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