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This was going to be my last Quake project.  It's on pause for the moment, and may eventually mutate into something else - only time will tell.


The concept is a 7 megamap partial conversion featuring new enemies and further developing features from the Rubicon Rumble Pack as well as salvaging some that remain unused until now from the abandoned Schism project.  In many ways this would be the spiritual successor to Schism.


The most notable feature is one that's pretty easy to implement, but I haven't actually seen in Quake before.  


Essentially I wanted to make 'Rifts' in the world - large areas of teleport fluid that the player could walk through without being teleported.  What was on the other side would be completely different however - another dimension, just as Quake has taught us it should be.  The rift itself would only activate when triggered by external events, and anything mobile would of course be able to move between the dimensions freely.


This would both things that traditionally move in quake - monsters, projectiles, func_trains and so on, but also liquids.  So all of a sudden you'd get lava falls in the middle of a forest causing havoc.


"It is not over unknown seas but back over well-known years that your quest must go; back to the bright strange things of infancy and the quick sun-drenched glimpses of magic that old scenes brought to wide young eyes."

  - HP Lovecraft

The visual style surprised some who knew my earlier works as being very bright and sunny.  But the gore was to come later.  I experimented with creating flora and natural shapes, although the above test had a lot to fix before I would be happy with it - especially using EricW's light tools properly to get rid of those harsh angles.


I had the above visual test plus two maps blocked out when I paused the project as well as various prototype enemies working.


Below are some of the documents I was working from if you want a more in depth idea of the project.

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