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This is a global value which is affected by the player's actions.  It starts at 0 in each level, and the lower it is the better - various elements of play giving the player small benefits.  When it starts to rise, these benefits quickly dry up.  When high (>7) the benefits are reversed - more traps are sprung, all medkits are rotten, NPCs will attack on sight etc.  Additionally, the end of each level features a holy area which contains multiple bonuses (health, weapons, ammo, armour etc) - if the player is at 0 Infamy then these areas can be entered (they count as a secret).  Otherwise the area is either locked, inert or replaced by a high tier monster encounter.

Infamy cannot be lowered.



melee specific monsterjump
trigger_telefrag (unused)



Blood types
func_togglewall (for rifting)




Lightning bolts
thunder + lightning flashes
precipitation - rain, snow, leaves
dimensional rifts - combination of togglewall with alpha'd teleport tex effects.


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